The current position: ENTERPRISE


Author: admin 时间:2017-04-05 来源:未知
Digest: Director of the brand consulting service center of the entropy change think tank President of haodian brand planning and consulting agency President reception room promoter Chinas first batch of senior business planner certification qualifi

Director of the brand consulting service center of the entropy change think tank

President of haodian brand planning and consulting agency
President reception room promoter

China's first batch of senior business planner certification qualification

Actual combat brand planning experts, as a number of enterprise brands



Management consulting, business planning, brand planning and construction, brand planning, marketing planning, event planning, brand management, brand consultant, brand hosting, brand evaluation, brand promotion and communication, circle building and project docking, financing investment and listing guidance

Main courses:

Enterprise five-dimension management mode, brand planning, innovative thinking, let the brand work for you, easy sales, mobile Internet marketing skills, violent marketing, big data realization strategy, entrepreneurship strategy

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